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The capital feature of this website, but the one you probably didn't come for, is a Turkish-to-English translator. Owing to limitations explained elsewhere, it is set up as a Turkish grammar illustrator: you give it a grammatically correct sentence drawing on a limited vocabulary, and it shows you, in color, what the words mean and then where they must go to add up to an intelligible English sentence. As a tutorial if not a tercüman, I think you'll find it useful, and I believe it does (just) qualify as "Turkish translation software." I invite you to open the translator itself, as well as the sample sentences and a glossary. (I used to have a single open-em-all link but it just wouldn't work with today's modern "security" interlocks. Well, now I present them with singly-dedicated links. For tutorial purposes, you really will need at least the sample sentences.) |
Tenuously "Altaic," and derived from the programming brought to bear above, I offer a couple of other things:
Unrelated to Turkish, not Altaic at all in fact but still on the linguistic theme, are:
If, on the other hand, you came for information on every state in Brazil, bicycling to Canada, Portugal qua Europe, a botanical expedition in São Tomé e Príncipe, a molecular fossil hunt via Maputo, Slovenia by bicycle, Slovenia on foot, Turkey and its neighbors, Mexico and the Ukraine just barely, or three decades of American bicycle rides, click here. |
And finally, and with some misgivings, the miscellany - now in two flavors, biochemical and agronomic - I believe one must come to expect from websites. Like to avoid that please-tour-my-brain stuff. On the other hand, I've GOT a domain - even at just $6.95 a month, why should I pay for another? |
And finally (OK, Kuiper-Belt-finally, not Pluto-finally), things that don't fit anywhere at all in "Machine Altaica:"
Annnnnd...bug reports. Or, shortcoming discussions - I think only once has a "bug" been "reported" to me. |
All prose and programming © 2008 J.A.Hutter, except where otherwise indicated. Contact:
__h___a____e-a__a_c____m j___@m__h_n______i__._o_ |