A matrix-math calculator you stick inside your own computer
The following is the Python code for a matrix arithmetic (I'm not sure it qualifies as "matrix algebra") utility, capable of handling matrices and vectors of any size, with or without complex elements. The server-side version, to which a link is provided at the bottom of this page, is similar, and maybe better. I wrote this client-side version as an exercise in Python GUI's, my first and probably my last. It depends on Tk, not wxPython, which is as far as I know the only other suite of user-interface instrumentation for this handy but inefficient language; the latter looked better, but the former had slightly less obstructively European documentation. Really, all European things are like Presta valves on bicycle inner tubes: you just wonder at the complication that, besides being silly, is tiny. Give me a good ol' American corporate let's-get-organized-and-make-a-BIG-thing-GO product. Ideally, of course, it should all be in good ol' JavaScript. A Java applet would be second-best. I favored Python because it already has all the complex-number-handlin' libraries. I considered Jython, but rejected it when I read, or thought I read, that Jython is Python with Java's libraries; I wanted the converse. Annnnyway...